Gojira VS Mekagojira (1993) Directed by Takao Okawara
It's good to see how the Gojira series throughout the decades continued to evolve and kept on trying out new things, without ever really deteriorating. The Gojira movies from the '90's are quite different from the ones from the '60's and '70's but are they also worse and less entertaining to watch? Not in my opinion!
This yet again is a very entertaining movie, with a sort of weak and silly story but plenty of good action and other creativity in it. It's not one of the best ones out of the long running series though. The movie feels a bit overlong and maybe should have been at least 15 minutes shorter and there are certain plot lines in the movie that don't really work out for the movie.

It also means that the Gojira plot line gets pushed to the background again though. He really isn't much of a character in this movie but simply a villainous monster, that needs to be stopped. I definitely liked the character better when he was being more of a 'good' guy and occasionally helped the human out, while fighting off other kaijus but it's OK for this movie really. Because the movie heavily focuses on a whole bunch of other stuff, it doesn't matter too much that Gojira isn't featured as prominently in it as usual. It gives plenty in return, such as tons of action and the return of another classic kaiju character; Rodan.

But on the things that the series also still is consistent with of course is its entertainment. The movies are basically always doing the same things but yet it never gets boring or tiresome. It's always awesome to see Gojira or one of the other kaijus cause chaos and destruction and the kaiju fights themselves are also always good and fun to watch, even when all of its looks terribly fake. But I still have to say though that all of the effects in this particular movie look pretty impressive, even while some of it looks outdated by today's standards.
It yet again is a very visual and colorful movie, which is something I also really liked about the previous sequels from the '80's and '90's. I'm really not surprised that Takao Okawara more or less became THE Gojira director for a while. He took a classic movie monster into the more modern and advanced age of the '90's, without turning it into something silly.
Simply another good and fun Gojira sequel, despite some minor flaws!
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